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  • On the announcement of the anti-counterfeiting system

    Your respected old and new users:Hankf (HANKFEUER) is a professional burning product and system service center, with high popularity and industry share. The brand is protected by Chinese law. With the rapid growth of the sales of Hankf (HANKFEUER) products in the Chinese market, a good reputation and brand effect has …

  • What are the classifications of the combustor?

    Combustor is also called burner. According to fuel, it can be divided into fuel burning machine, gas burning machine and biomass burning machine. According to the object of application, it can be divided into kiln combustion machine and boiler burning machine. According to application field, it can be divided into indu…

  • Where is the difference between a burner and a combustor

    In the current heat industry, many people are confused about the concept of the industry. The interior of burner and combustor consists of air supply system, ignition system, monitoring system, fuel system and electronic control system. An integrated machine, usually called a mechatronic combustor. It has a wide range …

  • On the safety ignition of the combustor

      In the near future, there are too many gas explosions and a variety of gas on the safety of the personal safety problems, which is important to the security problem. According to the combustion characteristics of the gas in the furnace, the safety control requirements are the main content of pre dryer, automatic ig…
